SAYFER use slower acting bait that may take a little longer to kill rats and mice. This is to stop the rodents becoming ‘bait shy’. If they realise the food (bait) they are eating is making them sick they’ll stop feeding on the bait. This method is also a safer more environmentally friendly option.
Rats and mice are an economic pest for commercial businesses. They infest poultry farms, factories, warehouses, shops, supermarkets, storage facilities or any other places that can provide food and shelter.
As with all professional pest control pesticides, all rodenticides must be used strictly in accordance with the AVPMA approved product label. SAYFER pest management always uses plastic lockable tamper proof stations when using rodenticides. To keep the rodent baits safe from children and pets and other non-target organisms. All stations installed by SAYFER are secured in place to prevent theft or damage.Plastic lockable stations are beneficial in a number of ways:
- Protect the bait from moisture and dust
- Allow rodents to feel safe and secure
- Prevent accidental spillage
- The SAYFER team can professionally determine the amount of bait consumed and ensures an accurate report on the level of activity around a building
- All stations installed around a structure are map numbered for ease of identification by our technicians and by our clients
When an existing infestation of rodents is detected, it is then eliminated. The stations are then replenished with non-toxic monitoring baits. This is to monitor any activity and allows technicians to follow the successful process of adding active bait blocks to the rodent stations.
Rodent Control FAQs